在迪士尼动画《101忠狗》中,库伊拉(Cruella De Vil)有许多经典台词,她的语言风格独特,充满了她那种傲慢和疯狂的个性。以下是一些她的经典台词:”I want those puppies! I want them! I want them no matter what!”(我要那些小狗!我要它们!无论如何我都要得到它们!)”Sin is a thing that writes itself off in good deeds. After every kill, I perform a good act to wipe the slate clean.”(罪恶会在善行中自我抵消。每次杀戮之后,我都会做一件善事来抵消。)”What’s that terrible howling? It’s giving me a splitting headache.”(那可怕的嚎叫声是什么?它快让我头疼死了。)”I’m going to make a spotted fur coat. And I don’t mean Dalmatian ties!”(我要做一件斑点皮草。我指的不是大麦町犬领带!)”I don’t care what it takes, or how much it costs. I want those puppies!”(不管要付出什么代价,不管花多少钱,我都要那些小狗!)这些台词展现了库伊拉对斑点狗皮草的执着以及她不择手段的性格。她的这些经典台词在电影中留下了深刻的印象,成为了这个角色标志性的一部分。